Experience Zahmer Kaiser

Experience Zahmer Kaiser

A day full of adventure and enjoyment with the Zahmer Kaiser cable car

In the late morning we reach the valley station of the Zahmer Kaiser cable carAt 11:30 a.m. we park our car in the spacious parking lot. We are really looking forward to the upcoming trip and hike, and at 11:45 a.m. we get on the four-seater chairlift. During the ten-minute ride to the mountain station we enjoy the impressive view and the clear mountain air.

Arrival at the mountain station

Once we've reached the top, the first thing we do is take a lunch break on the sun terrace of the Berghof Zahmer Kaiser. The terrace offers a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains and Lake Walchsee. Unfortunately, the weather isn't great during our visit.
The culinary offering at the Berghof is varied: we opt for schnitzel, Kaspressknödel and Kaiserschmarren – all freshly and deliciously prepared.

The forest playground

Directly behind the Berghof we discover the lovingly laid out forest playground. There is a climbing frame, a crane and an excavator that the children can play with. However, both the crane and the excavator cost two euros, which can be exchanged at a machine in the small hut. Further up in the forest there is a hidden trampoline and logs that invite you to balance. The goat pasture, which can also be found at the mountain station, is particularly popular with the children. Numerous hiking trails start here, but we decide to hike down to the middle station and thus to the summer toboggan run.

Hike to the middle station

At 13:20 we start our descent to the Aschinger Alm and middle station. From the Berghof we go down and turn left at the goats. We follow a small parking lot and then a wide forest road. After a few minutes we reach a bend with a junction. While the wide forest road continues to the right, we go straight on towards Aschinger Alm and pass two red and white barriers. From here we can already see the hut. After about 20 minutes we reach the idyllically situated alpine pasture.

Break at the Aschinger Alm

The Aschinger Alm has another lovely children's playground and offers an impressive menu with schnitzel, steak, Kasspatz'l, homemade ravioli and more. Although we have already eaten, we treat ourselves to a coffee and fresh buttermilk here. Interesting to know: The Alm can also be reached by car and there is plenty of parking on site.

Continue to the middle station

At 2:15 p.m. we continue our way to the middle station. We walk past the hut on the right and follow the yellow signs into the forest. After about 200 meters downhill we continue straight on to the chairlift middle station. The walk there takes about 20 minutes.

Descent with the summer toboggan run

The descent into the valley on the summer toboggan run is a real highlight and is an exciting end to our wonderful hike. The route is safe and well maintained, and tobogganing is great fun for both children and adults.

Our visit to the Zahmer Kaiser cable car was a great success. The combination of impressive views, varied activities and good food makes this place a perfect destination for a day trip.

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