Brief information about Lake Wörthersee:
- Can you swim at Lake Wörthersee? Yes, there are several lidos. See below.
- Where is the most beautiful place on Lake Wörthersee? This is of course a contentious issue, but Pörtschach or Velden favourite places.
- Are there restaurants on the beach? Almost only hotels have access to the beach, unfortunately there are no public restaurants.
- How many degrees is the lake? Around 25 °C in summer
- Why is Lake Wörthersee so turquoise blue? Lake Wörthersee is particularly calcareous. The scattered light penetrating the water is absorbed and reflected by the finely distributed lime crystals. Short-wave light is scattered more strongly and the water appears the famous turquoise blue of Lake Wörthersee.
The Lake Wörtherseeoccasionally also Lake Wörth is the largest lake in Carinthia and at the same time due to its climatic location one of the warmest Alpine lakes and can reach over 25 °C.
As a result, there are several places along the lake Lido:
- Promenade pool – Pörtschach
- Pritschitz outdoor pool - Pörtschach
- Velden lido - Velden
- Maiernigg lido - Klagenfurt
- Klagenfurt lido – Klagenfurt
- Loretto lido - Klagenfurt
- Calamus bath Klagenfurt
- Saag lido - Techelsberg
- Schiefling lido - Schiefling
- Reifnitz lido - Maria Wörth
- Sekirn lido - Maria Wörth
- Parkbad Krumpendorf - Krumpendorf
- Sekirn- Sekirn lido
(if you know more, please leave us a message)
Lake Wörthersee is 19.39 km² in size and stretches 16.5 km in an east-west direction. The lake basin stretches from the Velden Bay to Klagenfurt. The lake is divided into three basins by islands, peninsulas and submarine sills. The western basin extends from Velden until Pörtschachthe middle one from Pörtschach until Maria Wörthand the eastern one extends from Maria Wörth until Klagenfurt. The deepest point of Lake Wörthersee is 85.2 metres.
Lake Wörthersee is fed by a number of smaller streams, including the Reifnitzbach. The outflow located to the east of the lake drains the lake via the Glan and Gurk rivers into the Drau.
Due to the sheltered location and low flooding, the upper layer of water can reach temperatures of over 25 °C. A closed ice cover only forms in extreme winters. A closed ice cover only forms in extremely cold winters. The last time Lake Wörthersee froze over completely was in February 2006 and it was possible to skate on a track length of approx. 15 kilometres.
In the central part of the lake between Maria Wörth and Pörtschach There were originally three islands, of which the island on which the parish and former collegiate church of St. Primus and Felician was built around 1770 became the peninsula of the town centre of Maria Wörth became. The other two islands are Kapuzinerinsel near Unterdellach and Blumeninsel (formerly Schlangeninsel), which was given its former name not because of the snakes living there, but because of its shape. Snake Island was considered part of the Pörtschach lidowhich was renamed "Flower Island" a few years ago.